Killian...what a love dog🌱🐾

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Thank you, Katharine! Yes! He is Pure Love in a dog-suit.

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More reading and collaging for me, Ann. To be still and not get my attention pulled in so many places is something I need to work on as well. Lovely reminder on the 80/20 rule. Thank you for your words-- always soothing and gentle.

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Thank you for being here, Stella. I'm wishing you stillness that feeds your creative life and peace for these final weeks of the year.

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This time of year is always the most difficult for me to keep my art stuff moving...not only does your IRL schedule get filled to the brim, your brain usually is too with both good and bad thoughts!

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Yes, Peter, I feel this way too. All of our past Decembers seem to stack upon themselves in the most mysterious and exhausting way. To find a simple path is always what I crave.

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I tend to get "fussy" over this season of preparation for Christmas. This year I decided to let go and not be the family cruise director. Would you believe it, we have enough aggregate family and friend traditions now that they just happen naturally with almost no planning! I have been sitting back and mostly observing and enjoying. Advent candle lighting, the annual family Lego build, favorite food traditions, thinking about gifts carefully and lovingly, winter walks, etc...

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The Dream has become real! Oh this makes me so happy, Abbey. Enjoy every small loving thing that makes this time uniquely yours.❤️

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The chevron of birds

Like fighter pilots

Point this way, but I walk

that. Connected protection from the prevailing wind in an assured, decided V,

masking a formlessness that needs no direction. The vitality inside.

The earlier squalls have cleared to azure blue. And all is clear and bright again

The destination feels by-the-by to me now. Rumi’s field, beyond right and wrong.

Meet me now,


In that field beyond.

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80% of the enjoyment comes from 20% of the things we do. That pareto principle is interesting. I've seen it in the business world but it's quite another to see it in how we spend our time.

Productivity vs peace is the same. The writing thing, is new to me. I work in business. Inspiration comes in fits and starts. But always begins in peace.

The product is the by-the-by. Substack is a great home for the flow. Thanks for your thought provoking piece.

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I’m glad you found something to ponder here. Thank you for your poetry and your presence.

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Ann, I know how you are feeling, having recently gone through the same thing. All of your tools sound ideal, and yet I doubt they feel that way to you. You are showing up, walking through your days, and taking the steps to heal. Thank you for sharing your encompassing list of lovely things that are getting you through.

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Donna, thank you. Kindness like yours is what really gets me through. Sending you love.

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Back at you❤️

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Been on my winding, walking path in the back. Just a meandering mown thing that rises and sinks upon the grass. A soothing place where nature breathes out on us. A restful, refilling season to you Ann.

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I can picture your quiet walking place. That's what I feel, too. It's a restful season here: a neutral color palette, bare trees, less insect music, fewer bird songs...the slower breathing of nature. Just walking and letting it refill us... thank you for the blessing.

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What my heart wants right now is to read long books and write short poems. But instead I keep signing up for online courses. I'm gathering them like the curious magpie that I am, afraid that something (the secret of life) is going to escape me. Thank you Ann, for always providing words and images that help to ground me a little.

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I have a stash of gathered courses, too, Conny! Art courses, mostly. It would be a nourishing thing to put a few on my calendar for after the holidays-- and then actually do them.

I join you as a member of The Curious Magpies. 🧠✨

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Particularly the year’s end nearing, I try to slow down by learning from my cat who is an expert in finding a warm sun spot and gaze outside of the window. Thank you for your writing Ann, I enjoy it very much.

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Yes, same here! My dog follows the sun all over the house in a moving series of naps all day long. I wear him out with our hikes :)

Thank you for reading— I love seeing what you’re making, too. Your art inspires me to work more in my sketchbook.

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Great wisdom in this piece Ann. I so want to slow down for this season...work has thrust me into a very busy month, somewhat unexpected. I’m trying to find rest in short breaks and the long dark evenings.

I’m glad Memory is speaking to you. I needed that affirmation today💫

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It’s a very busy season for me at work too, Brian. End-of-year is always this way. Memory is definitely a place of restorative goodness for me. Thank you for your work in breaking this new ground and in building community. Small everyday moments of focus and tranquility help keep me grounded in all the chaos. A leader sacrifices some of that in organizing the effort. Please know it’s much appreciated. 🫵🌟

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"So why do we feel stuck if we are always moving?" Oh, my heart.

Sometimes I try to keep myself stuck -- the "freeze" response to fear and anxiety. My healing state, often, is (gentle) motion rather than stillness. Grateful for the reminder that motion Is, even when my fears are determined to hold me still.

Gentle motion in this micro-season means my Advent apartment cleaning. "Make your house fair as you are able ... Love the Guest is on the way." Once I start, I love seeing bits of my odd little apartment start to shine under my hand.

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"Sometimes I try to keep myself stuck..." I'm so glad you said this.

The freeze response is baked in. I need to remember to hold compassion for the humanness of this self-protective place we all share.

I love that carol, too. It's consoling and just right for this time. "People Look East" is definitely in my Top 10. Thank you for being here.❤️

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I'm so grateful to read your words today. This past 12 months have been terribly heartbreaking and difficult.

Even before reading your post I've been contemplating what really gives me joy, what replenishes me. I believe I will go and begin my list today. Christmas as a mother is hard. It's definitely a labor of love and does not fill my cup the way it did when my mom did everything. Peace to you and to all your readers during this small window of holiday time.

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Angela, what you say is so real. This is a labor, isn't it? Yet we're asked to pretend that it's effortless. I hope you find those few things that most fill your heart and sink a little deeper into them. Maybe small things you cherished in childhood. I still love to sit for a few minutes in the dark and quiet, early in the morning or late at night, with just the Christmas tree lights on. Something about that feels timeless to me. Briefly, I'm every age I've ever been, every age I'll ever be--all at once. Peace to you, dear one. 🙏

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Thank you so much, Ann. I emailed my list of things that being me joy to myself that night, and in the morning when I read it, it gave me happiness right then. You mentioned that you hoped that would happen for us, as confirmation that we had connected with our highest wisdom. It was an amazing and affirming experience. And yes, so much of motherhood is under a microscope. It's nearly impossible to filter out all the criticism. It's a worthy fight made easier when we as women come together in grace as you have done for me!

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I came back and reread this after having a challenging past few days. I love the calm you bring to my life!

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I’m so glad you find something good here, Jason. Your work does the same for me.

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